our story

Hi Friend! I’m Brooke, the creator of Hex Bar. Nice to meet you!

Hex Bar was created as a result of my endless search for a protein bar that checked all of my boxes. As someone who is unwilling to sacrifice ingredient quality for good taste, I searched and searched for the bar I wanted; but could never find.

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner I knew it was possible to create what I was so desperately looking for, but was frustrated and confused as to why it hadn’t been done. Then the light bulb went off… I’ll do it!

As a mom of three little ones, I needed something I could grab and go; but that wouldn’t leave me hungry an hour later. I needed something gluten and dairy-free and I wanted it to be organic so I could feel really good about putting it into my body! I wanted it to have enough protein and carbohydrate to work as both a preworkout or postworkout meal, and I wanted it to taste AMAZING! As it turns out, this is very hard to accomplish but with a little hard work and a whole lot of patience, we did it! And Hex Bar was born!

I believe focusing on fresh, clean, and organic ingredients when possible is of the utmost importance. I believe your food should spark joy while also supporting your body and your goals! My mission is to provide a healthy meal or snack alternative to nourish and fuel your life, so that you and your family can live and feel your best!